Dr. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin, Television Pioneer

From His Personal Photographs, The Restelli Collection

Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved, Images may be used only with permission of the owner Steve Restelli developed from the home site for the collection http://historytv.net/

From The Collection

The Wardorf Astoria, June 29, 1936

The Empire State Building television transmitter was used to demonstrate high definition television (343 lines) to RCA's Licensees. The program featured speaches by Major General James G. Harbord (Chairman of the Board, RCA), David Sarnoff (President of RCA) and Otto S. Schairer (Vice-President RCA, in charge of Patents and Trademarks). A live broadcast was included of dancing girls and a film about army maneuvers. A dinner celebrating this event was held after the demonstration at the Waldorf Astoria. Hence, the first true TV Dinner!.

If you can identify any of those pictured on this page please email me at the bottom of this page.

View of the entire dinner party at the Waldorf Astoria, following a demonstration of television. The Empire State Building transmitter was used to broadcast live to Radio City, and 225 of RCA's Licensees were on hand for this event.

1. RCA Mfg; E. W. Engstrom, B. S. Thompson and R. Wise of Hygrade Sylvania. Hygrade, Nilco and Sylvania representing the company's core in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania merged to form the Hygrade Sylvania Corporation in 1931. The company sold lamps under the Hygrade name, and radio tubes under the Sylvania name.

2. RCA Mfg; I. G. Maloff, L. W. Carpenter, L. F. Jones.

3. At the head table; David Sarnoff is at the left, Dr V.K. Zworykin 3rd from his right.

4. At the head table; David Sarnoff at far right.

5. Top Right;Lenox R. Lohr, President of the National Broadcasting Company. Prior to joining NBC, Mr. Lohr was the business manager for The Worlds Fair, "A Century of Progress in 1933. Under his management, this was the first such event to ever show a profit. To his left is David Sarnoff, President or RCA.

6. Part of the original photograph.

7. Part of the original photograph.

8. Part of the original photograph.

9. The NBC Table; O.B. Hanson (top right center), C. Radkey (bottom center)

10. Part of the original photograph

11. Part of the original photograph.

12. Part of the original photograph.

13. Browder J. Thompson (bottom right) (1903-1944), Zworykin's co-director of RCA Laboratories when they opened in Princeton in 1942. Thompson died in Italy, July 4-5, 1944 while evaluating working conditions for radar when the Germans shot down the plane he was in.

14. Part of the original photograph.

15. Part of the original photograph.

16. Part of the original photograph.

Felix The Cat Broadcast of 1929 | Dr. Zworykin's Secret Experimental RCA Photos of 1933 | First TV Dinner June 21, 1936 | First Live TV Demo November 6, 1936 | Public Sees TV at 1939 World's Fair | Photo Card of Dr. Zworykin 1948 Topps | Dr. Zworykin weds November 14, 1951 | Dr. Zworykin dies July 29, 1982 | eMail: Steve Restelli | Sign:Guestbook | Links |

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