1992-2002 Our 10th Year!

Frame Master Stud Spacing Tools tm
SPI--Surburban Products Inc.
672 Fuller Road
Chicopee, MA 01020
Telephone: 413-598-0555
Fax: 413-598-0552
Toll-free: 800-447-2201
E-Mail: framer@plainfield.bypass.com

Construction projects are Faster, Easier, and Safer with these Frame Master Stud Spacing Tools

TrusTool & Fast Framing Level tm

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16" Fast Framer tm

Holds & Spaces Studs, Joists & Rafters on 16" (400 mm) Centers

24" Fast Framer tm

Holds & Spaces Studs, Joists & Rafters on 24" Centers

Designed as template tools for quick, accurate and safe placement of standard kiln-dried and dry pressure-treated framing lumber for walls, floors, decks and rafters.




Helpful Building Hint: The Fast Framertm also serves as a spacing guide for placement of 5/4 boards on outdoor decks. Simply lay the tool on its side to use the "ears" to space the deck boards apart for proper drainage.
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TrusTool & The Fast Framing Level tm Offers Features No other level Has! Look at this patented technology!!!

Designed as an adjustable template tool for quick, accurate, level and plumb placement of I-Beam joists, roof trusses, and standard framing lumber.

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